On Discovering Self

"Walk in Peace... Learn from Nature... Find Yourself...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Re-Visit: A Simple Debris Shelter

   On August 28th, 2011 I posted a short story in this blog about a debris shelter that I had built out of a real necessity to stay dry. It was a rather cloudy and stormy looking kind of day and I really thought I might get dumped on by an incoming rain storm. So I set to the task of throwing up a lean-to just above an outcrop of rock and piled on some leaf debris to a depth of about a foot. This worked to give me a "temporary" shelter from the wind and the rain.
   As it happened, the rain never did appear and so I left this debris shelter setup in this remote location, in the event that I should need it again. I took some pictures and some short video clips and later put it all together for my very first video that I ever posted up to my Youtube channel. In retrospect, it is all kind of cheesy, with music and a couple of "walking in, walking out" kinds of shots and just very horrible production values. But for a first attempt at trying to create some content, it has stood as my benchmark so that I can look back and see just how far I have come in trying to create something better. I even got my first "copyright" warning from the fine folks at Youtube for using some music that might not be viewable in some countries (Germany).
   I have actually visited this debris shelter many times since than, and I thought it of some interest to capture some video yet again, after a year or so, to show you just how this kind of shelter has stood up. I have not refurbished it in anyway, and have been very fortunate that it has not been destroyed or vandalized, despite evidence that it has been visited by individuals other then myself.
   So here is a short video of how it looks today.

Thanks for watching and I hope this will encourage you to try building a simple debris shelter. It is a lot of fun and can give you a good idea of just how much time and energy it takes to build one. Happy Exploring

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